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Eva Saukāne. Mets

17 May - 14 June

Latvian Museum of Architecture

Latvian photographer turns to the Riga metro project emphasizing its uniqueness in terms of the utopian technical solutions and its importance in the socio-political processes in Riga in the late 1980s. Now 30 years have passed since the idea about the metro was discarded and since then a new generation has grown up. They don’t see the metro construction project as a threat, but rather as an unimplemented exotic project, which would place Riga next to other developed metropolitan cities.

In the exhibition the author offers a partially fictitious story, where historical evidence and documents undergo contemporary interpretation. The metro idea is visualized, finding inspiration in social, architectonic and scientifically technical aspects.

Opening 17 May 5pm

Admission free
Mon. 9am–6pm, Tue–Thu 9am–5pm, Fri 9am–4pm

Related event:
18 May 7pm Museum's night

Photo - video still